Gross, gross, gross, gross, gross.
This game is gross. Terrible. Horrible. I played it once and never went
near it again. Gross, gross, gross, gross, gross. Sorry, but I hated this
game. I am a golf fan, but I hated this game.
Gameplay? What gameplay? This golf game stresses nothing but the point itself. Put the ball in the hole. No power swings, a non-helpful guide, and nearly impossible to swing without the Power Meter, and in some modes you can't even use it! It couldn't get more plainer. I think they should represent the best ever young golf phoneme with something better than this. This is terrible. I think PGA '84 for the Atari would be better than this. Excuse me while I barf. Horrible.
Graphics? What graphics? The players are about the only thing that look good in this game. Well, excluding Michael Jordan. HE'S A CARTOON! MICHAEL JORDAN?!?!? A CLAY-LIKE CARTOON? What in the name of golf game is this? Excuse me while I barf. The spectators are the only thing that give this 2 CD-ROMS. These graphics make this game an embarrassment to the PGA, NBA, and Michael Jordan.
Audio? What audio? I think the only actual audio is the menu theme music and the club hitting the ball. Atrocious. I don't see why ANYBODY would even BOTHER making a game this terrible. The guide is absolutely no help. Boring voice. Excuse me while I barf. Pong has more audio than this game.